Health Goals

Dental & mental hygiene

Set yourself up for success by starting super simple: 

Benefit: Few or no cavities, better breath, easier habit start,  starts daily routine, and boosts mood.

Healthy foods in healthy amounts

Eat more vegetables & uncooked fruits. Replace high-glycemic foods  (sugar & white bread/rice/pasta) with high-fiber proteins such as whole  grains & beans. Eat more healthy fats like avocado, nuts, cheese, olives.  Eat slowly so that you can enjoy the flavors and allow time to feel full. 

Benefit: With high fiber and fats, you’ll feel full for longer and get more essential nutrients.

Adequate Sleep

More important than recommended hours of sleep is allowing your body an  optimal number of hours for your particular needs, which for adults is  usually between 6 (more typical for men) and 8 (more typical for women).  A regular bedtime and no light are among the most important ways to get  good quality sleep.

Benefit: Avoid dementia, enhance immune system, & enhance mental clarity and mood.


The important question for busy people is: How little exercise can I do and  still have great cardiovascular health and look toned? 

An important  principle is: The okay workout I regularly complete is better than the  optimal workout that I don’t complete. To make the goal adequate in intensity, yet attainable, a basic level of fitness can be maintained in 10 to  15 minutes per day. [See the at-home free weights routine document]  

2The recommendation of 20 or 30 minutes of cardio has been debunked  by serious research on high intensity interval training (HIIT) at about 90  percent of your maximum heart rate. You can look up how to calculate that  heart rate, but generally, it’s as hard as you can go for 4 minutes, where  you are breathing so hard you can only get one syllable in per breath. Only  4 minutes of intense energetic movement of large muscle groups two days  or so is all that’s needed for optimal cardiovascular health. This can be  done with jump-roping or really fast dancing. This could even include fast  stair-climbing while packing a child in a carrier, safe with hand rails. In the  cited study, participants did 3 times per week. For 2 years, my goal has  been every 4 days, in between the 3-day lifting. I manage to get in once a  week. 

At 48, I recently took a 3-day backpacking trip and I kept up with  the fastest of a class of 13-year-olds, even up the long steep parts, so I  consider it enough. See

Benefit: Healthy weight, toned,  healthy skin, endurance  in physical recreation,  better safety if you have  to run or fight, increased energy, better mood, decreased risk of chronic disease & chronic pain, increased bone-density,  increased mental clarity & memory, better stress coping & sleep quality (Healthline).

Disease prevention

All of the above help with disease prevention, but if you have a specific hereditary or environmental  risk, prevention is better than a cure. Medicines have side effects. 


See fasting mimicking diets and Health Theory on youtube by Tom Bilyeu.

Benefit: Increase longevity and feel better for longer.

Big Tip

BigOven Recipes & Meal Planner

With a database of more than 350,000 recipes, there’s no shortage of inspiration in this app. Seasonal collections featured on the home screen ensure you’re using the freshest in-season ingredients. Our favorite feature of BigOven? The Use Up Leftovers tool, suggests a recipe you can make with the three ingredients you enter.