Free Online Discussion Groups
The following groups intend to foster human connection and/or community good will and cohesiveness.
Core project name: Cultivating Caring Community
Facilitator: Roger Balson
Time and frequency: 7:30 pm ET each Tuesday
Notes: Informal discussion
Core project name: VillageCo & Village Nomad
Discussion name: Village Builders
Facilitator: Jason Sears and committed attendees by sign-up
Time and frequency: 6:30 pm ET each Thursday
Platform: Zoom
Links: By invitation, you will receive a pre-gathering email with link one hour before the start time.
Notes: Has a defined format. Engagement includes request for topics of interest and breakout rooms to discuss the topics. There are approximately 20 regular attendees.
Core project name: Weave
Discussion name: Community Hour
Facilitator: Kate Towle and Roger Balson
Time and frequency: 7 pm ET each Wednesday
Platform: proprietary
Notes: Ongoing for the past three years. A recent discussion had approximately 10 present.
Core project name: Global Dyad Meditation
Facilitator: volunteer hosts
Time and frequency: 8 am ET daily, with intuitive writing; 10 am ET daily; 2 pm ET each Tuesday (with intuitive writing), Thursday, Sunday
Platform: Zoom
Links: Available thru a training session that ensures participants understand the process.
Notes: Format is one-on-one taking turns listening and speaking, switching roles every 5 minutes. Some sessions include intuitive writing. Available also in German and Spanish.
Core project name: Soul Biographies
Discussion name: varies
Facilitator: Nic Askew
Time and frequency: Join the email list and you will be informed of the periodic zoom discussions.
Platform: Zoom
Links: Sent by email or as posted on website.
Notes: A recent discussion had 75 present. Sometimes there are breakout rooms. Aside from Nic’s discussions, IMO sessions are focused on meditative presence, like a Quaker meeting, to speak sparingly and only when inspired. Definitely not for networking or chit chat.
Core project name: HuMANs
Discussion name: Solidarity Summit
Facilitator: Stephanie Rearick
Time and frequency: biannual, June and December
Platform: Zoom
Notes: A mutual aid network sharing virtual resources and information. A recent discussion had about 15 present.
Core project name: ecohana
Discussion name: Relationships, Rightness, and Place
Facilitator: Vivek Gani and others
Time and frequency: 9:30 am ET each Saturday
Platform: Zoom
Links: access unique links by logging in, finding an event, and clicking on "zoom"
Notes: See website for additional informal discussion Campfires, and periodic themed discussions related to the general project of bioregional coalition building. A recent discussion had 5 present.
Core project name:
Discussion name: Blueprints for Belonging
Facilitator: Cynthia Tina and guest speakers
Time and frequency: monthly, see link to register
Platform: Zoom
Notes: By attending live sessions, you can direct questions and receive personalized advice, but there isn't discussion between attendees. You can also listen to the recorded discussions online.
Notes on Social Goals
Notes & links to resources for becoming more assertive & enjoying relationships.
Podcasts on Social Skills
Discussions of compassion, boundaries, vulnerability, arguments, and listening.
Attachment Style
Taking this quiz on attachment style (external site) could help you and those closest to you gain insight into patterns that otherwise could be confusing or disturbing.